
Showing posts with the label Windows 8

Six hidden features of Windows 8 worth knowing about

Windows 8 was launched approximately 6 months ago with an optimistic view about its success from Microsoft. Until now the company claims that it has sold over 100 million licenses of Windows 8 worldwide.

The figure may seem high to an unsuspecting public but in terms of market share this hardly accounts for 4% of the global OS market. The prime reason for users now switching to Windows 8 from Windows 7 is largely due to unfamiliarity with the newer Windows version.

Top 5 best wireless keyboards for Windows 8 from HP & Logitech

This is the time where people love to go wireless, now everything is wireless then why not make our computers also wireless with wireless keyboards and mouse. So to give the best options in the market when it comes to wireless keyboards, I am giving you top five wireless keyboards below, so check them all and choose the one that suits your requirements and budget.

Top 5 best Android and Windows 8 upcoming tablets in 2013

It's 2013 and in this hi-tech world, if you still are using an old-fashioned cell phone, then it is really time to think again. It's a new year and it is time to explore some of the best options for tablets. If we talk about the Android tablet market, then we have a lot of options and some of them are coming up in this very year. We, the geeks, always seek something new and better from the previous one, and that is why developers too are anxious to show-off their work before it comes to the market and here you will get a preview of the upcoming Android tablets. I am happy to share with you the top five upcoming Android tablets in 2013 in my list and according to my preferences.